Meet Zolia's Creative Digital Marketers

Zolia is a creative Digital Marketing consultancy, delivering business growth through customized solutions tailored to the personal and professional brands of their clients. We leverage client data to project long term, scalable, and memorable marketing campaigns to maximize ROI and brand recognition. 

Zolia is the brainchild of Dana and Tony Zamorano, named after their beloved Yellow Labrador that taught them how to be dedicated and loving parents. Founded by High School sweethearts, Zolia puts the personal touch and emotion back into notoriously apathetic industries lacking in the human element, helping elevate brands as something that people find memorable, and relatable.

get to know us

Zolia Thinks Differently

what makes us WHO WE ARE

Our Branding Pillars


We create stunning imagery that represents you.


Dare to be different amongst your competition. 


Zolia works with you to make brands that last.


Zolia is always moving forward. 


Zolia goes above and beyond to support our clients.


Zolia works together at every touch point.